Hey, did you see that movie where Olivia Colman plays a queen who goes mad? Or maybe you liked that detective show she was on? Or all the great sketch shows she was on at the beginning of the century. Anyway, she’s a frickin’ genius, and you should watch everything she’s in. And now you can watch Flowers, which was on Seeso back when Seeso was a thing and is now on Netflix. There’s even a new Season 2!
If you like your comedy pitch black to the point where you will probably weep openly, this is the show for you. It’s very much a fable that could be set in the 70s or now or whenever (there are no cellphones or computers, and cassette tapes play a major role), but it’s also a heartbreakingly realistic depiction of mental illness and its impact on the people who have it and the people who love them. And children’s books.